

More than ten years ago, Santjoanenca group started making the float that competes in the different carnivals around Catalonia every year. You can also see the float and its members during the carnival they celebrate every year at Sant Joan les Fonts. There are other groups invited from all around the county.

They celebrate carnival for children in the morning. Kids participate in the parade around the main streets of the municipality. There is the parade where you can see around 10 floats coming from all around the province in the afternoon. The parade lasts for a couple of hours around the main streets of Sant Joan les Fonts. The party ends with a dinner and a dance party for everyone. 


Santjoanenca group, founder of carnival in Sant Joan les Fonts, has a group of more than 150 people of all ages nowadays, and many awards for the excellent job done in the province. Don’t miss the magic of this day.



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